Friday, February 4, 2011

Kid obesity linked to working mums

THE more mothers work during their children's lifetimes, the more likely their kids are to be overweight, a study found.

Researchers from American University in Washington, Cornell University in New York state and the University of Chicago studied data on more than 900 elementary- and middle school-aged children in 10 US cities.

They found that the total number of years the children's mothers worked had a cumulative influence on their children's body mass index (BMI) -- the weight to height ratio used to measure if a person is overweight or obese.

"Every period of time (averaging 5.3 months) a mother was employed was associated with an increase in her child's BMI of 10 percent of a standard deviation," says the study which was published in the journal Child Development.

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"For a child of average height, this is equivalent to a gain in weight of nearly one pound (half a kilogram) every five months above and beyond what would typically be gained as a child ages."

The findings were strongest among sixth graders, the oldest children for whom data was studied. Sixth graders are typically 11 years old.

Changes in the children's physical activity, time spent unsupervised or watching television did not explain the link between maternal employment and children's BMI, the study says.

Moreover, a mother working odd hours or overnight was not significantly associated with their children's BMI.

The researchers were unable to clearly explain the findings but theorised that because working mothers have little time to shop for healthy food and prepare meals, they and their children eat more fast and packaged foods, which tend to be high in fat and calories.

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